I have been using Android phones since 2010. The first was HTC Desire, the flagman of Anrdoid devices then. Then Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
Recently I have decided to try switching to iPhone. In part because of terrible behavior of my Android phone: slowness, battery draining. In part because iOS has more and better apps. You know that developers mostly target iOS platform first, not only because iOS users are more willing to pay for apps, but also because development for Android is much more expensive and painful: http://techcrunch.com/2014/04/06/the-fallacy-of-android-first/
The iOS platform is not fragmented as much as Android, so choice of Phone is easy. If not considering iPhone 5c, the only latest version is 5s.
The initial setup process is long but straightforward. iCloud, iTunes, tons of terms of service, and finally the phone works. Then installation of all needed apps, logging in for each of them.
iPhone works incredibly fast in comparison with my old Android.
Screen is much better, but smaller.
The phone itself and iOS UI looks nice.
Lack of Back button is annoying. Each app implements this functionality in its own way. I would want to have a standartized button to cancel all the changes and go the the previous screen.
Some core apps have inefficient UI. There are UI elements that seem too small for touch interface. Some tasks take unnecessary actions, e.g. if I want to search in app store – I first tap “Search” icon in the bottom, and then tap in the search textbox to move keyboard focus there.
Email notifications are lagging both in Mail and GMail apps. In Android I get a notification within a second, sometimes even faster than a new message appears in Outlook on desktop or in GMail web app; and on iPhone it can take a few minutes.
I have not installed iTunes on PC yet. I hope I will not need it, because iTunes UI really sucks. So far I don’t need it, because books and music get to the phone over the air, thanks to Pandora and Kindle.
Apple podcasts app works good. I have not managed to find any similar free app on Android.
Battery is ok, much better than Android. Usually Android drained the battery in 8-12 hours, even without active usage. iPhone lives longer, but I’ve seen some anomalies once, when iPhone drained battery from 100% to 15% in a few hours when I was not using it. Probably some GPS-consuming app was working in background. I have not found built-in tools to monitor battery usage, so was not able to investigate deeper.
Summary after a few days usage: iPhone is not much better than Android, and is not worse. It is just different. And I like it so far.